søndag den 26. april 2009

Who Review #111 - the Leisure Hive

Season 18 starts with all change: the Doctor has a new costume (the awful burgundy combo and shirt with question marks on the collar); the time tunnel and title music is replaced by the star field and Peter Howell's redo of the Ron Grainer theme; the very great Dudley Simpson was let go (he had worked on the show since the Patrick Troughton era) which meant a new sound, Peter Howell's electronic radiophonic sound; and the start of the John Nathan-Turner era in Dr. Who.

The Leisure Hive is OK as far as entertaining romps go but it doesn't have that much of a plot.

There are some nice features: Tom is made-up to look very old and it looks superb; the Foamasi costumes are good, with their eyes an especially fine feature as they look and act like, say, a Chameleon's eyes; the Argolians look good, although I couldn't help thinking they were Norwich supporters in space.


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