How much longer up with this will we put?
From April First we can all expect to find increases in cost of; Council
tax; Water rates; Mobile phone bills; Internet provider bills; Car tax;
Conservatism and the Decline of the West
For the last couple of days, London has hosted Jordan Peterson's ARC
jamboree. Standing for the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, it was
touted as and...
What does anyone else think?
*In a world run by millionaires and their associates, it's no peace or
equity situation for humanity. *
*Doom and gloom? Probably.*
Letter from Zambia
What started as a new political revolution in Zambia has proved to be a
mere political hullabaloo. There can be nothing new under capitalism –
except hal...
The US School System - The dumbing down of America
Charlotte Iserbyt is to be greatly commended for having put together the
most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the